Santiago González – Varas Ibáñez Career
Professor of Administrative Law and Academic Of Counsel
Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Alicante (2002).
Doctor Honoris Causa by the National University of Córdoba (Argentina), a degree awarded by the Honorable Superior Council of the National University of Córdoba through a resolution dated December 6, 2005.
Doctor of Law (1991) and Associate Professor at the University of León (1994).
Doctor of Law in Germany, specializing in public procurement, at the University of Dresden (June 5, 2002). Former professor in Freiburg and Dresden.
He has contributed to numerous legal books on public law and published articles in legal journals in Spain and abroad (Germany, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Argentina, etc.).
Among the various manuals, it is worth highlighting: “Treatise on Administrative Law,” 4 volumes, with 1,500 pages per volume. Civitas Publishing, Madrid 2020 (4th ed.), as well as monographs and manuals on urban planning and land management, on administrative litigation jurisdiction, on public procurement, economic administrative law, European public law, political party financing, public goods, public services, etc.
Advisor to the European Parliament and the German government on multiple occasions.
He has collaborated in drafting regulations (in Valencia and Valladolid) and prepared numerous tenders, etc.
Recipient of several awards, such as the First National Prize “Judiciary” in 1993; First Pere Belluga Prize of the Generalitat of Valencia in 1995; First Melchor Almagro Prize from the University of Granada in 1996; First Prize from the Junta of Andalusia on European Community Law in 1999; First Prize from the Junta of Castilla y León for Research and Study on Modernization of Public Administrations in 2003.
Humboldt Scholar. Thyssen Foundation Scholar. Robert Schuman Scholar at the European Parliament.
Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation.
Main contribution: ideas have been introduced to the development of administrative law (subjective conception of administrative litigation, functional and substantive conception of public contracts) with some influence on legislation or opinions of the Council of State.
Recently commissioned to draft the Historical Heritage Law in the Dominican Republic. Previously, his doctrine influenced the Administrative Litigation Law in Costa Rica and Spain.