Marcos Peña Molina Career
Administrativando Abogados Associate
Marcos Peña, holds a degree in Law (specializing in Private Law) from the University of Seville (1999). Career Civil Servant, Chief Legal Counsel in Local Administration (2014). Ranked first in competitive examinations. PhD in Administrative Law, cum laude, from UPO (2017), has a full university education in Political Science and Public Administration from the International University of La Rioja (2009-2012), with an outstanding academic record.
He holds a Master’s in Legal Consultancy and Practice from the Institute of Legal Sciences and Business (ICIDE) (2014-2015). In academia, he is Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Loyola, having been a professor at various universities such as the International University of Valencia and a regular trainer in public management, public employment, public procurement, and urban planning at various institutions such as the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration or the Chamber of Accounts of Andalusia, as well as in other private or public law entities.
In the Public Administrations, he has held the following positions through the competitive examination system: Secretary-Intervener in Local Administration (2013-2014), Legal Advisor to the Public Entity for the Management of Cultural Programs of the Andalusian Regional Government (2007-2009), Senior Manager of General Administration of the Health Ministry of the Andalusian Regional Government (2006-2008), Senior Manager of General Administration of the Culture Ministry of the Andalusian Regional Government (2004-2006).
He is executive board member of the Association of Local Entity Lawyers. Appointed International Advisor in Public and Regulatory Law by the North American consulting firm Guidepoint Global Advisor (2016), he is considered a jurist of recognized competence in the field of public service and employment. Until 2024 he has served as Counsel/Lawyer at the Montero-Aramburu Lawyers firm, specializing in matters concerning administrative concessions, local public services, restructuring and reorganization of administrative and public law entities, as well as in urban planning, regulatory and real estate advice on topical matters related to co-living, co-housing, senior living, and other real estate complexes on shared spaces and housing with common services.
He is author and co-author of multiple articles, lectures, and publications that cover various themes among which the following stand out: Manual for advising, representation, and defense of Local Entities (1st Ed. Wolters Kluwer); Current Administrative Manual 2019 (1st Ed. Tirant lo Blanch); Organic Law of the Judicial Power, Commented 2024 (1st Edition 2024, Codex).
Among specialized studies, those carried out in the field of public employment can be noted, among others: Consolidation as a differential channel for access to public employment. The case of Local Administration (El Derecho and Local Law Notebooks, June 2019); The State Budget Law of 2017 and the stabilization of temporary employment. A solution in the Local Sector (Iustel and Local Law Notebook, June 2018); The “civil servantization” of non-fixed staff. A possible solution at the local level. (Iustel and Local Law Notebooks, April 2015), The new TS doctrine on the Relationship of Work Positions. Practical application in the local area. (Iustel/El Derecho and Local Law Notebooks, June 2014).
In the field of political science and the general theory of the State, his study published by the Tribuna de Letras in 2015 can be highlighted: “Parteientaat. The State of Parties. A historical event of a present fact.”